What information can I find about sent webhooks?
In the logs you will find all necessary information about the sent webhooks. This will help you to check if the configuration of the webhooks is correct. A status filter, an event filter and a date filter are available for this purpose. The status filter provides the options to filter them after:
Finally Failed
In the event filter you can select a specific type of webhook. You can also use the date filter to restrict the time of the search.
If a Webhook has the status "Retry at", the next planned delivery attempt is displayed in the overview.
In the tab "Id" you will find the unique Webhook-Id.
Following Webhooks are available:
Customer and Contract
ContractCreated - on successful contract creation
ContractChanged - upon entering a new contract phase
ContractDataChanged - contract data was modified (CustomFields, ExternalId, etc.)
ContractCancelled - when a notice of cancellation has been handed in
ContractDeleted - on delete of contract data
CustomerCreated - on successful customer creation
CustomerChanged - on change of customer data
CustomerDeleted - on delete of customer data
DunningCreated - when a dunning pdf was created and sent
InvoiceCreated - if an invoice/credit memo PDF has been created and sent
InvoiceCorrected - when an invoice or credit note pdf was corrected
OrderSucceeded - when an order has been committed successfully
RecurringBillingApproaching - when a contract passed its next billing period and billing delay period started to pass metered usage
TrialEndApproaching - when the trial phase of a contract is about to end. Period can be configured in each plan
AccountCreated - Deprecated! Use ContractCreated instead
CustomerLockerd - when customer has been locked
CustomerUnlocked - when customer has been unlocked
DiscountSubscriptionEnded - when discount subscription has been ended
ContractWrittenOff - when contract gets written off
DebitAuthCancelled - when a customer withdraws debit authorization through the PSP
PaymentBearerExpired - triggered if a payment bearer is expired
PaymentBearerExpiring - triggered if a payment bearer is valid only for one more month
PaymentDataChanged - when payment data is changed for an existing contract
PaymentEscalated - on reaching a new escalation level as defined in payment escalation
PaymentEscalationReset - if the escalation process is reset for a specific contract, e.g. due to payment
PaymentProcessStatusChanged - triggered when payment process of contract is started / stopped
PaymentFailed - on payment errors
PaymentRegistered - on manual payment registrations
PaymentSucceeded - on successful payment
PlanCreated - on successful plan creation
PlanChanged - on change of plan
PlanDeleted - on delete of plan
Plan variant
PlanVariantCreated - on successful plan variant creation
PlanVariantChanged - on change of plan variant
PlanVariantDeleted - on delete of plan variant
ComponentCreated - on successful component creation
ComponentChanged - on change of component
ComponentDeleted - on delete of component
ReportSucceeded - on successful report creation
ReportFailed - on failed report creation
AccountingExportFileCreated - on successful accounting export file creation
PaymentsExportFileCreated - on successful payments export file creation