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Transform Help Center

How can I reset or change my password?

If you have forgotten your password, click on "Passwort vergessen?" in the login area. You can find the login area for the productive system at: and for the sandbox at


Enter your email address in the new window and billwerk will send you an email with the subject "Passwort vergessen" and a link to set up a new password.

Forgot password

The following confirmation is displayed if the email address has been entered correctly:


Follow the link and choose a new, strong password that matches the password policy of the account. The strength of your password is displayed below the input. If possible, use letters, numbers and special characters to generate a particularly strong password. The longer a password is, the more secure it is. Finally, click on "Save" and log in to billwerk.


If you want to change your password, go to "Settings > Edit profile> Change Password" in billwerk and enter your current and new password. There you will see the strength of the new password. Select the strongest password possible and click on "Save".
