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Autogiro & AvtaleGiro via PayEx

PayEx provides its payment services in the Nordics: Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland.

Through integration with PayEx Billwerk+ enables you to use the Swedish payment method Autogiro and the Norwegian payment method AvtaleGiro.



Please be aware before starting your implementation of SubscriptionJS on your sign up page, that for the both payment methods, Autogiro and Avtalegiro, the ProcessPaymentData method is not supported by this PSP. Please check out Betalingsservice, if you need to use this method.


Autogiro is the equivalent for SEPA direct debit in Sweden. In this type of payment, a pull-based direct debit scheme, the payee is authorized to collect a debt from the payer's bank account.


AvtaleGiro is a service for automatic payment of regular bills in Norway. It is used for services electricity, telephone, newspaper, insurance, rent, municipal taxes and loans


These two payment methods are at your disposition. Please contact our customer service to get more information about

  1. The setup of these two payment means.

  2. The limitations of these methods.