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How can I import the accounting data into DATEV?

Import ASCII files with standard format

billwerk provides you with both the accounts receivable and all accounting records in DATEV standard import format as csv files with ASCII data for download.

To be able to use this download, please check the account assignment under "Settings > Accounting > Accounts" and complete the configuration if necessary. Instructions for configuration can be found here.


Detailed instructions on exporting financial accounting data from billwerk can be found here. After the successful export of the data from billwerk you can now import the data into your financial accounting.

Import into DATEV

To import the booking data into your DATEV system, please follow the following video instructions. You can translate the video to english, by activating the subtitles and set the subtitle configuration to automatic translation to English.

Written instructions and further information on importing booking data can be found here.


Note: DATEV's documentation and the video above are only available in German.

Import EXTF files in standard format

In addition to ASCII files, billwerk also provides you with files in EXTF (DATEV External Format) for downloading both the accounts receivable and all posting records.

To use this download, please check the account assignment under "Settings > Accounting > Accounts" and complete the configuration if necessary. You can find instructions for the configuration here.


You can find detailed instructions for exporting financial accounting data from billwerk here. After successfully exporting the data from billwerk, you can now import the data into your financial accounting system.

Import into DATEV

You can find written instructions and further information on importing booking data here.


Note: DATEV's documentation is only available in German.