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Where can I find information about a payment transaction?

Information on all payments can be found in "Logs > Payment Transactions". If you want to know more about the cause of a failed payment, click on the "Detail" button.

Payment Transactions

In the payment transaction details you will now find the error code and/or a PSP error message provided by the payment service provider. In this case, the customer has either not given a correct IBAN or not given an IBAN at all.

Payment Transaction

You can also filter the payment logs for a date range under "Logs > Payment transactions" and export the raw data as .csv:

Payment Transactions

The content of the export columns is defined as follows:


Timestamp of payment transaction creation in UTC.


Company name of the customer, first and last name of the customer if no company name exists.


ContractID of the contract to which the payment transaction is assigned.


Amount of the payment transaction.

Provider, Method:

Payment provider and payment method through which the payment transaction was executed. E.g.:

PayOne, Debit

PayOne, Credit Card

PayPal, BlackLabel

"BlackLabel" in this case means that it is a Blacklabel payment provider and the payment method used is unclear.

The customer can have either a credit card or a bank account linked to his PayPal account.

BlackLabel generally means that the used payment provider (PayPal) is explicitly visible to the end customer during checkout.


Current status of the payment transaction.

In this article you will find further information on the statuses.


Information as to whether this is a preauthorization.

If it is False, then it is not a preauthorization but a genuine full payment.

If True, then it is a preauthorization. Pre-authorizations are used to check the validity of the means of payment in the ordering process.


CustomerID of the customer to whom the payment transaction is assigned.


Currency of the payment transaction.


Trigger that led to the creation of the payment transaction.

The following values are possible:

Signup --> Payment was triggered by a signup order.

Upgrade --> Payment was triggered by upgrade order

Recurring --> Payment was triggered by recurring billing

PaymentChange --> Payment was triggered by the customer's payment data change


Identifier of the payment transaction at the payment provider.


Reference code of the invoice for which the payment was triggered.

If a payment is to settle more than one invoice, the reference code of the most recent open invoice is stored here.


Confirmation status of the payment transaction.

This is only relevant for some payment providers and payment methods.


Time stamp of the confirmation of the payment transaction by the payment provider in UTC.

This is only relevant for some payment providers and payment methods.