What is the structure of the billwerk SAP accounting export?
The financial accounting export in billwerk SAP format forms the basis for the import of the booking records generated in billwerk into SAP FI systems. In this article, we describe the structure of the billwerk SAP format.
Structure of the billwerk SAP files
The export contains a header line in which the export date, the sequential number of the export and the language of the export are defined.
Each export row corresponds to a posting line item in SAP, each transaction group to a posting document in SAP.
The columns of the export are defined as:
Column | Description |
GroupId | internal Id of the Postinggroup |
GroupSequentialId | A unique numeric id for the posting group which only exists for final postings. |
LineNumber | Number of the line within the posting group. Starts at 1 and counts up. Resets for the next group. |
PostingKind | can be Receivable|Deferral|ResolveDeferral|Payment |
PostingDate | the booking date of the posting; usually equal to IdealPostingDate. But moved to the first date of the earliest open month if the month of the IdealPostingDate is already closed. |
IdealPostingDate | Date of the associated business event (invoice date for receivables and deferrals, booking date for payments, end of the month for ResolveDeferral) |
Amount | amount of money (signed) |
NetIncludedInRevenue | net revenue amount, populated only if revenue account is accessed |
VatIncludedInRevenue | VAT amount on revenue, populated only if revenue account is accessed |
Currency | currency defined for the corresponding Plan Group |
Account | Configurable number of the account in the accounting software |
TaxCode | Configurable SAP Tax Code (only if revenue account) |
AccountKind | type of the account Receivables|Revenue|Deferrals|Bank |
DocumentNumber | Number of a document associated with posting (InvoiceNumber). Empty for payments |
PostingText | text description for posting |
ExternalCustomerId | ExternalId of customer associated with posting (at the time the file is created) |
VatId | VAT-ID of the receiver (as printed on the invoice). Empty for payments |
Country | ISO code for the country of the receiver (as used for tax calculation) |
VatPercentage | percentage value of VAT rate applied |
GroupText | Descriptive text of the posting group (e.g. Invoice number, payment description, or something about Abgrenzung/Deferral) |
ContractId | ID of a contract associated with posting |
CustomerId | ID of a customer associated with posting |
IsFinal | indicates whether this posting is already exported (persisted) |
ReversesGroupId | For reversals, the ID of the reversed PostingGroup |
IsCorrection | True (posting is a correction for another one) | False (posting is not a correction for another one) |
PostingId | billwerk posting id |
PostingSequentialId | billwerk posting sequential id; Like GroupSequentialId, but it's per Posting, not per PostingGroup |
PostingKey | AccountKind=Receivable, PostingKind=Receivable => DR |
AccountKind=Receivable, PostingKind=Payment => DZ | |
AccountKind!=Receivable => S | |
Followed by +/- depending on the sign of the Amount | |
PostingKeySap | hardcoded mapping based on PostingKey: |
DR+ => 01, DR- => 11 | |
DZ+ => 05, DZ- => 15 | |
S+ => 40, S- => 50 | |
CostCenter | cost center of the product (populated if configured) |
The configuration of the cost centers on product level must be explicitly activated by us for you. If you are interested, please contact us.
Import into SAP FI
Our partner Cimt AG has developed an SAP adapter with which the bookings from the billwerk SAP Export can be imported directly into SAP FI. The adapter retrieves the exported data from billwerk, transforms them according to your requirements and imports them directly into SAP FI. If you are interested in using this adapter, please contact our sales department.
Alternatively, you can transform billwerk SAP Export on your own and import it into SAP FI.