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Accounting Export

With our DATEV accounting export, you can seamlessly transfer your financial data from Billwerk+ Optimize to DATEV, the leading accounting software in Germany. This means no more manual data entry or double-checking, saving you valuable time and effort.

You can find the option to enable the feature under Configurations > Financial processes > Accounting Export.


The DATEV Accounting Export is currently available in it's beta version. Please reach out to our Customer Care team under if you would like to become a pilot user. Don't forget to provide us the following information:

  • Datev consultant number

  • Datev account number

  • SKR 03 or SKR 04

  • account length 

  • intervall in which you want accounting exports to be created (daily, weekly or monthly)

General export settings

Turn on the automated accounting export by enabling the toggle “Enable accounting export”.

Accounting export settings

Go to Configurations > Accounting Export to access your accounting export settings. 

First, enable the accounting export:


In the DATEV export settings, you can configure how your DATEV exports should look like:

  • Include header: You can decide whether you want your DATEV export to include a header. If you want a header to be part of your DATEV-export, make sure to also fill in the settings for “DATEV consultant” and “DATEV client”.

    • “On” means that the export file includes the header and thus complies with DATEV’s EXTF-format. 

    • “Off” means that the export file does not include the header and hence complies with DATEV’s ASCII-format. 

  • DATEV consultant: Enter here your DATEV consultant number. It will be included in the header of your DATEV-export files. 

  • DATEV client: Enter here your DATEV client ID. It will be included in the header of your DATEV-export files. 


If you don't use DATEV, but any system that is compatible with the DATEV-format, you can enter any dummy values here.

  • G/L account length: Select how many digits your account numbers have. Please note: In DATEV it is not possible to decrease the length of the field "G/L Account length" after it has been increased. Read more.

  • Export interval: Choose how often you would like to get your accounting exports generated. You can choose between monthly (account exports will be generated on the first of the following month for the previos month), weekly (every Monday for the previous week) or daily (every day for the previous day).

  • G/L account chart type: Postings will be generated using the standard account numbers of the selected G/L account chart type. Please select between SKR03 and SKR04. These are the standard accounts that are assigned by default: 

Revenue Accounts


Domestic (DE) 


Non-EU countries 


8449 (19% VAT)

8334 (7%  VAT)








0990 (Germany), 0991 (EU), 0992 (Third party countries)


Domestic (DE) 


Non-EU countries 


4449 (19% VAT)

4334 (7%  VAT)








3900 (Germany), 3901 (EU), 3902 (Third party countries)


For B2C-invoices to other EU-countries, Billwerk+Optimize always assumes local tax rates are applied and that you take part in the OSS procedure.

When recording bookings, the following tax codes (booking keys) apply:

Tax codes (Booking keys)

Tax rate / use case 

Tax Key 

VAT 7 %


VAT 19 %


EU tax rates


Blocks DATEV from automatically deducing tax when booking from a deferral amount on a revenue account, except for revenues that are subject to VAT in another EU country 


Debtor Id settings

You can choose to automatically assign debtor Ids to new customers in order to identify each customer customer in your accounting. The assigned debtor ID will be used as the customer's debtor account number in your accounting export.

In order to assign debtor Ids automatically, enable “Automatically assign Debtir IDs to new customers” and configure from what number the system should start counting, then save your settings.



Debtor Ids can also be assigned manually / via API when creating a new customer. Please be aware that manually assigned debtor Ids should always be lower than the next debtor Id that should be assigned automatically.