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Initial Setup

SubscriptionJS is hosted separately from the billwerk application and can be found here:

Use the Sandbox for all your integration development. Please signup here for a free sandbox account. After signup for testing purposes you can begin integration by loading SubscriptionJS like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

For payment processes you will also need to pass a public API key:

paymentService = new SubscriptionJS.Payment({ publicApiKey : "527cc4c951f45909c493c820" }...

This key can be found within the self service settings of your billwerk Admin UI.


Important! Please note the billwerk Sandbox is almost an exact copy of the Live System. This means you need to be careful with your test data. Emails will be sent and real payments can be triggered for some PSPs. Make sure to use email addresses you own and configure your PSPs to just simulate payments.