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Super Publication Test

Payment Escalated

This webhook is triggered based on your payment escalation settings.

Typical Scenario

You can use this hook to react to your customers non-payment, for example by sending a notification email or by suspending the account. The value of TriggerDays is the number of days since the payments due date. This is based on the oldest unpaid receivable, so it's possible that you receive a five-day-hook, then a ten-day-hook and a five-day-hook again.

POST /billwerk-hook
Content-Type: application/json

    "ContractId": "6298a006e636b694d807080f",
    "CustomerId": "6298a006e636b694d8070809",
    "TriggerDays": 5,
    "DueDate": "2022-06-09T00:00:00.0000000Z",
    "PaymentEscalationProcessId": "623812c0426dc88abe51b23a",
    "Event": "PaymentEscalated",
    "EntityId": "62148e3c0c14e1609e9ca5c1"