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Super Publication Test

Adding contract for new customer


For simple signup/subscription implementation we recommend using SubscriptionJS rather than API, unless you have strong reasons.

Sample request

POST /Orders

  "TriggerInterimBilling": false,
  "Cart": {
    "PlanVariantId": "5e5361659cc9ba118cccc620",
    "InheritStartDate": false,
    "ComponentSubscriptions": [
        "ComponentId": "5e5361659cc9ba118cccc61e",
        "Quantity": 2.0
  "Customer": {
    "CompanyName": "ACME Inc.",
    "FirstName": "John",
    "LastName": "Doe",
    "VatId": "DE424324234",
    "EmailAddress": "",
    "Address": {
      "AddressLine1": "c/o Coworking Ltd.",
      "Street": "Zschopauer Straße",
      "HouseNumber": "42",
      "PostalCode": "10123",
      "City": "Berlin",
      "Country": "DE"
    "Hidden": false
  "PreviewAfterTrial": false

Remove ComponentSubscriptions or pass empty array if no components are being subscribed to.

Sample response
  "Id": "5e5361659cc9ba118cccc62f",
  "AllowWithoutPaymentData": true,
  "ComponentSubscriptions": [
      "ComponentType": "QuantityBased",
      "PreventModification": false,
      "VatPercentage": 19.0,
      "TotalNet": 2.0,
      "TotalVat": 0.38,
      "IsQuantityBased": false,
      "ComponentId": "5e5361659cc9ba118cccc61e",
      "Quantity": 2.0
  "Total": 7.0,
  "TotalVat": 1.33,
  "TotalGross": 0.0,
  "NextTotalGross": 0.0,
  "IsTrial": false,
  "TrialEndPolicy": "NoTrial",
  "Status": "InProgress",
  "OrderType": "Signup",
  "TriggerInterimBilling": false,
  "CustomerId": "5e5361659cc9ba118cccc630",
  "ContractId": "5e5361659cc9ba118cccc605",
  "PreviewAfterTrial": false