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Billwerk Platform Introduction

Price lists

We provide you with choices to streamline the management of your products and pricing.

Price list feature enables you to organize and manage the prices of your products or services. It allows you to set different prices for different customer groups or scenarios, making pricing management more flexible.


In order to benefit from this feature, it needs to be unlocked for your account. If you are interested, please contact

After activation, current prices of existing products will immediately be part of a default price list, so merchant should not be affected, and can start adding new prices.

API changes:

  • Product APIs are made to be retro-compatible. The price set in the default price list will be used.

  • Price list can be set in order creation to select a specific one. Field is optional and will use the default one if nothing is set.


With price lists

Without price lists

Better multi-currency

Same products can be sold in different currencies

Duplicating products is necessary across various plan categories

Simpler price change over time

New price can be created and merchant can move to new price at a given date

Duplicating products is necessary, otherwise, alterations in pricing will affect subsequent billing cycles

Contract specific pricing

Price list can be created specifically for 1 customer

Pricing components must either be duplicated or have their prices overridden

Improved mixed B2C/B2B businesses

Same products can be sold in both ways

For selling to both businesses (gross/net) and individuals, the merchant needs two plan groups, and transferring contracts between these groups isn't feasible



Be aware, that it is not possible to select the price list in the self-service!

  • There are no ways to do bulk changes regarding price lists, API should be used to change contracts

  • You can not change the currency of a contract. Changing price list can only be done within the same currency.

Create price lists

Feel free to explore our documentation on creating price lists by clicking here.

Setting default price list

Discover how to set a default price list by clicking here.

Editing prices and price list settings

Feel free to check out our documentation for guidance on editing prices - here, and on adjusting price list settings, simply click here.