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Billwerk Platform Introduction

Payment transaction


Billwerk+ Enterprise not only automates recurring invoices but also regular payments.

You simply configure the payment provider(s) of your choice in your Billwerk+ Enterprise account and the corresponding means of payment are already available to you.

Billwerk+ Enterprise has integrated various payment service providers (PSP - Payment Service Provider) for this purpose. With this integration Billwerk+ Enterprise not only triggers payments automatically, but also receives - if the payment providers support this - information about chargebacks or refunds.

The payment transaction contains all data and the status history of an individual payment transaction with a payment service provider. The attributes are:

  • Amount,

  • Status history,

  • Current status,

  • Time of the last status change,

  • Trigger of the transaction,

  • Specific data of the payment provider

If a payment is captured manually without a payment service provider being involved, there is an entry in the Contract ledger for this payment, but no payment transaction.

    "CustomerName":"Ehrlich, Alyssa",