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Developer Documentation

Step 3/3: Create subscription

A subscription is created with an API call where the customer handle and payment method reference from the previous step is used.

curl -X POST \
-u 'priv_12051dfac75143fc827cf63a87f46df3:' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
  "handle": "s-101",
  "plan": "gold",
  "signup_method": "source",
  "customer": "c-1",
  "source": "<payment method>"
}' \

For full details on the create subscription operation, see: Create subscription.

A subscription exists now for the customer. The handle for the subscription is the reference for the subscription that can be stored in your system.


We recommend using a supplied handle, but it is also possible to use the argument generate_handle=true instead of handle to let Billwerk+ Payments generate a handle.